rob74 3 hours ago

Ok, imagine the following: you are a (young and probably underpaid) summer intern; you suddenly get the task to drop whatever else you were doing (which was probably more interesting) and read through megabytes of mind-numbing documents; you have little to no personal "skin in the game"; and still, you somehow manage to muster the motivation to pay enough attention so you are able to spot the one interesting email among the thousands of irrelevant ones. Does it sound more remarkable now?

kortilla 2 hours ago | parent [-]

You might be surprised that sometimes people give a shit about the team, regardless of “skin in the game”.

Based on my repeated observations of excited interns going above and beyond like this, no, it’s not remarkable.

Hire interns and enjoy their youthful exuberance before they become jaded.

epolanski an hour ago | parent [-]

I think the previous user is merely pointing out the abuse of words we see in news reporting, "hero" here being the word.

If Valve would've just hired a translator and achieved the same would've we called the translator a hero? Meaning "worthy of admiration due to incredible achievements"?

If being tasked with reading documents and doing so during an internship and just doing the job you're paid for is heroism, that's a very very low bar for heroism we have, I'm scared to hear what's the definition for "professionalism".