huijzer a day ago

> This is truly in accordance with european values, where we reward participation and proclamation.

Yes. In my experience the government is happy with "looks good doesn't work" as long as it truly looks good.

bee_rider a day ago | parent | next [-]

Thank goodness we have startup culture in the US, instead we can have “looks bad, doesn’t work, but Microsoft bought it so…”

HeatrayEnjoyer a day ago | parent | next [-]

and "actively erodes human community and democratic society"

TeMPOraL 16 hours ago | parent [-]

That's the ones that don't get bought.

Unicorns are carnivores that prey on the people.

aubanel a day ago | parent | prev [-]

Microsoft is certainly much better at judging the value of a software than any european administration.

bee_rider a day ago | parent | next [-]

I dunno, every software product I use in the US has been getting worse over time. Even if Europe is doing nothing, at least they aren’t accelerating in the negative direction.

amarcheschi a day ago | parent | prev [-]

Of all the software companies, Microsoft really makes me feel the ick every time I have to interact with their suite. I started using again teams after months and I didn't remember it was so bad, it's like a reverse course on ux

FranzFerdiNaN a day ago | parent | prev [-]

Lol yeah unlike corporationd who are happy with “makes life intentionally worse but brings in money”.

Jesus the ideology in this place runs so thick with some people.

solid_fuel a day ago | parent | next [-]

It’s truly absurd the ways some people here twist logic. “Government did it” means it MUST be bad, of course. It takes a willful ignorance, pretending that all government efforts are bad and all corporate efforts are therefore good.

As if ARPAnet just sprang from a group of MBAs sitting around unemployed.

When I read 1984 in high school, I didn’t really get the scariest bit: a lot of people are PROUD to shout that 2 + 2 = 5 as long as it makes a poor person somewhere else sad.

a day ago | parent | prev [-]