bee_rider a day ago

Thank goodness we have startup culture in the US, instead we can have “looks bad, doesn’t work, but Microsoft bought it so…”

HeatrayEnjoyer a day ago | parent | next [-]

and "actively erodes human community and democratic society"

TeMPOraL 16 hours ago | parent [-]

That's the ones that don't get bought.

Unicorns are carnivores that prey on the people.

aubanel a day ago | parent | prev [-]

Microsoft is certainly much better at judging the value of a software than any european administration.

bee_rider a day ago | parent | next [-]

I dunno, every software product I use in the US has been getting worse over time. Even if Europe is doing nothing, at least they aren’t accelerating in the negative direction.

amarcheschi a day ago | parent | prev [-]

Of all the software companies, Microsoft really makes me feel the ick every time I have to interact with their suite. I started using again teams after months and I didn't remember it was so bad, it's like a reverse course on ux