zeroonetwothree a day ago

Clearly it’s not true that “no one” could afford to live there. And if demand was low then the housing would become more affordable

sadeshmukh a day ago | parent [-]

No one can truly afford to live there, if you price in the cost of insurance. The only reason people live there is because they haven't hit the 1/100 chance yet.

oefrha a day ago | parent | next [-]

There are plenty of very rich people living there who can afford the house burning down every single year. So false.

sadeshmukh a day ago | parent [-]

Afford doesn't mean you can technically throw money out the window. At some point, you are going to give up if the risk is high enough to have >2 events in your lifetime - time is also a cost to factor in, as well as loss of possessions. It's not quite that simple.

therealdrag0 12 hours ago | parent | prev [-]

If you’ve actually done the calculations with real numbers share the math. Otherwise stop assuming the conclusion.

sadeshmukh 5 hours ago | parent [-]

The calculation was done by the insurers who refuse to insure the area, or must subsidize all insurance with nearby policies.

therealdrag0 4 hours ago | parent [-]

Surely there are rates at which they’d would insure the area? And you have shared no data on who is or is not willing to pay those rates.