SECProto 15 hours ago

> Claiming otherwise is just dishonest.

I didnt claim otherwise. I asked a poster what area they thought Rogers had a monopoly in. Telco sector has gotten quite a bit better in the last few years, but there are certainly still improvements needed.

jamincan 9 hours ago | parent [-]

How is competition better? We have Bell, Rogers, and Telus and then Quebecor which is regional and much smaller but at least within an order of magnitude of the other telcos in size. Shaw was bought out by Rogers, so it seems strictly worse than it used to be.

SECProto 8 hours ago | parent [-]

> How is competition better?

Here's a CRTC article on how they're improving competition (regulation requiring the big companies to provide wholesale access to their networks)

Here's a government press release from earlier in 2024 noting an 18% decrease over a one year period

And if you want an anecdote, for about a decade I used to have to pay $60 monthly minimum to get any useful amount of data. Over the last 2-3 years, that dropped to 55, 50, 45, and now I pay $34/month for 20gb of data with free roaming in the US. The government's statistics seem borne out by my experience.