▲ | SECProto 8 hours ago | |
> How is competition better? Here's a CRTC article on how they're improving competition (regulation requiring the big companies to provide wholesale access to their networks) https://crtc.gc.ca/eng/phone/mobile/indus.htm Here's a government press release from earlier in 2024 noting an 18% decrease over a one year period https://www.canada.ca/en/innovation-science-economic-develop... And if you want an anecdote, for about a decade I used to have to pay $60 monthly minimum to get any useful amount of data. Over the last 2-3 years, that dropped to 55, 50, 45, and now I pay $34/month for 20gb of data with free roaming in the US. The government's statistics seem borne out by my experience. |