TacticalCoder 16 hours ago


hoppyhoppy2 15 hours ago | parent | next [-]

The vast majority of people with XY sex chromosomes cannot get pregnant; I think you mixed it up with XX.

James_K 15 hours ago | parent | prev [-]

> there are an infinity of genders

I'm no fan of Blue Sky's censorious air, but this is just a straight up lie. Twitter is now paid speech platform, where those with premium accounts receive better moderation and improved reach. The owner has banned scientific words that he has a personal issue with, specifically the term "cisgender". Elon increaed the amount of government censorship on Twitter, and additionally he bought it with Saudi backing and has cooperated with their requests for censorship. He did not make significant changes to the ToS, he just fired half the people enforcing it so it's easier to get away without being caught. Then he selected a few Nazis that he agrees with and gave them impunity from the rules of the platform. If Twitter was a totalitarian state before, it is now an absolute monarchy. It's regressing.

> Only human born with the XY chromosomes can get pregnant

Well as a man of science, I'm sure you'll be able to appreciate the causal relationship between people deciding to say this, and them being transphobic trolls who are trying to get people mad for attention.

ThomPete 15 hours ago | parent [-]

this is flat out wrong. cisgender is not a scientific term and its not banned. Postmodernism and critical theory or even neuro science is not science.

James_K 14 hours ago | parent [-]

Gender dysphoria is a recognised medical condition. Cisgender is the word for someone without that condition. It is scientific, a term derived through empirical observation of the world. You just happen to dislike that science. I have had my posts censored on X for using the word "cis". While I still used the site, posts containing that word were consistently flagged, deleted, and hidden. I think I still have some of the emails they sent me, warning me about the use of this word. I would occasionally try to avoid the censorship by writing "c*s" and my posts would still be hidden and I would still receive a warning. Perhaps he has since unbanned the word, but I don't use the site anymore so I wouldn't know.

ThomPete 14 hours ago | parent [-]
