ThomPete 15 hours ago

this is flat out wrong. cisgender is not a scientific term and its not banned. Postmodernism and critical theory or even neuro science is not science.

James_K 15 hours ago | parent [-]

Gender dysphoria is a recognised medical condition. Cisgender is the word for someone without that condition. It is scientific, a term derived through empirical observation of the world. You just happen to dislike that science. I have had my posts censored on X for using the word "cis". While I still used the site, posts containing that word were consistently flagged, deleted, and hidden. I think I still have some of the emails they sent me, warning me about the use of this word. I would occasionally try to avoid the censorship by writing "c*s" and my posts would still be hidden and I would still receive a warning. Perhaps he has since unbanned the word, but I don't use the site anymore so I wouldn't know.

ThomPete 14 hours ago | parent [-]
