hagbard_c 3 months ago

The amount of BS astroturf - or should that be bluescreen [1] given the subject at hand? - is remarkable which makes me wonder whether these posts are created by a small but dedicated number of users. Having a quick look at the submission history for belter, a prolific high-karma poster indicates this might be the case given that it shows 7 posts in the last 4 days which either directly plug BS (3 posts) or are negative towards something related to Musk or X (4 posts).

7 posts in 4 days sounds like a person on a mission. What about others though? It would be a coincidence if belter happened to be the leader of the pack when it comes to BS bluescreening. So, what does it look like for the last 7, 31, 365 and (why not) 3650 days? Well, like this when searching for posts with 'bluesky' in the title [2]:

In the last 7 days belter was actually the most prolific bluescreener. In the last 31 days (i.e. including the whole post-election period) the following users submitted two or more posts with 'bluesky' in the title:

      2 "coloneltcb"
      2 "davidbarker"
      2 "hasheddan"
      2 "hboon"
      2 "Karrot_Kream"
      2 "Kye"
      2 "ulrischa"
      3 "belter"
      3 "colinprince"
      3 "consumer451"
      4 "cannibalXxx"
      4 "speckx"
     11 "mooreds"
Run the command yourself [2] for the other results, they are less interesting. The results show most 'bluesky' posts come from individual users so in that respect this disproves the thesis that the whole BS push is the result of a few users trying to create groundswell around BS while showing there are a number of users, belter being one of those who are pushing the subject with above-average fervour.


[2] Run this command:

    now=$(date +%s);query="bluesky";for n in 7 31 365 3650;do echo -e "\nLAST $n days\n"; curl -s -d '{"query":"'$query'","page":0,"hitsPerPage":1000,"minProximity":7,"numericFilters":["created_at_i>'$((now - (n*24*60*60)))'"],"restrictSearchableAttributes":["title","url"]}' ''|jq '.["hits"].[].author'|sort|uniq -c|sort -n;done|less
sundaeofshock 3 months ago | parent | next [-]

People post frequently on topics they like. There are plenty of folks on HN that are heavily engaged in just a few topics, from specific programming languages to certain political ideas.

hagbard_c 3 months ago | parent | prev [-]

Running a variation on the command [1] above shows that belter is not so much focused on BS, rather he has a bone to pick with Musk which most likely explains his interest in X-alternative BS:

    Top authors for posts mentioning 'musk':

    LAST 7 days

      2 "breadwinner"
      2 "cannibalXxx"
      2 "highcenburg"
      2 "mpweiher"
      2 "peutetre"
      2 "RobinHirst11"
      2 "thunderbong"
      3 "rntn"
      4 "belter"
      4 "JumpCrisscross"

    LAST 31 days

      4 "ivewonyoung"
      4 "marban"
      4 "paulpauper"
      4 "rbanffy"
      5 "mitchbob"
      6 "peutetre"
      7 "rntn"
      8 "2OEH8eoCRo0"
      8 "JumpCrisscross"
     15 "belter"

    LAST 365 days

     12 "howard941"
     12 "isaacfrond"
     12 "jrflowers"
     15 "bookofjoe"
     15 "rbanffy"
     17 "doener"
     19 "peutetre"
     27 "rntn"
     29 "JumpCrisscross"
     30 "belter"

    LAST 3650 days

     12 "howard941"
     12 "isaacfrond"
     12 "jrflowers"
     15 "bookofjoe"
     15 "rbanffy"
     17 "doener"
     19 "peutetre"
     27 "rntn"
     29 "JumpCrisscross"
     30 "belter"

 [1] Run this command:
    query="musk"; now=$(date +%s); echo -e "Top authors for posts mentioning '${query}':\n";for n in 7 31 365 3650;do echo -e "\nLAST $n days\n"; (curl -s -d '{"query":"'$query'","page":0,"hitsPerPage":1000,"minProximity":7,"numericFilters":["created_at_i>'$((now - (n*24*60*60)))'"],"restrictSearchableAttributes":["title","url"]}' ''|jq '.["hits"].[].author'|sort|uniq -c|sort -n|tail -10) ;done