hagbard_c 3 months ago

Running a variation on the command [1] above shows that belter is not so much focused on BS, rather he has a bone to pick with Musk which most likely explains his interest in X-alternative BS:

    Top authors for posts mentioning 'musk':

    LAST 7 days

      2 "breadwinner"
      2 "cannibalXxx"
      2 "highcenburg"
      2 "mpweiher"
      2 "peutetre"
      2 "RobinHirst11"
      2 "thunderbong"
      3 "rntn"
      4 "belter"
      4 "JumpCrisscross"

    LAST 31 days

      4 "ivewonyoung"
      4 "marban"
      4 "paulpauper"
      4 "rbanffy"
      5 "mitchbob"
      6 "peutetre"
      7 "rntn"
      8 "2OEH8eoCRo0"
      8 "JumpCrisscross"
     15 "belter"

    LAST 365 days

     12 "howard941"
     12 "isaacfrond"
     12 "jrflowers"
     15 "bookofjoe"
     15 "rbanffy"
     17 "doener"
     19 "peutetre"
     27 "rntn"
     29 "JumpCrisscross"
     30 "belter"

    LAST 3650 days

     12 "howard941"
     12 "isaacfrond"
     12 "jrflowers"
     15 "bookofjoe"
     15 "rbanffy"
     17 "doener"
     19 "peutetre"
     27 "rntn"
     29 "JumpCrisscross"
     30 "belter"

 [1] Run this command:
    query="musk"; now=$(date +%s); echo -e "Top authors for posts mentioning '${query}':\n";for n in 7 31 365 3650;do echo -e "\nLAST $n days\n"; (curl -s -d '{"query":"'$query'","page":0,"hitsPerPage":1000,"minProximity":7,"numericFilters":["created_at_i>'$((now - (n*24*60*60)))'"],"restrictSearchableAttributes":["title","url"]}' ''|jq '.["hits"].[].author'|sort|uniq -c|sort -n|tail -10) ;done