ryandvm 8 hours ago

Agile is like communism - it sounds like a great idea. Except it never seems to work anywhere, and everywhere that it turns into a train wreck consisting of 45 minute daily stand-ups and 3 hour meetings arguing about T-shirt sizes or whether points are equivalent to time or not, the only explanation anyone ever proffers is, "well, you weren't doing Agile right".

No fucking shit. Nobody can do Agile right. I would argue that if something is so hard to get right, then it is effectively worthless.

josephg 2 hours ago | parent | next [-]

The people who “do agile right” are out there. Just, like the agile manifesto says, they’re authoring their own processes. And because of that, they don’t have to call it agile - or really call it anything. They just go into work, figure out what needs doing, and take responsibility and do it.

I’ve worked in plenty of teams that did this sort of thing. All different. And at different scales - startups to big tech to game jams.

bluGill 7 hours ago | parent | prev | next [-]

Agile works very well for small projects. When you have less than 10 developers it gets rid of a lot of overhead. However those are situations where project management isn't really hard and so they didn't need it. Companies doing projects with hundreds of thousands of developers are hurting because nobody can do project management. Agile seemed to help and so they jumped in. However painful experience with agile has shown there really was a good reason for all those processes agile go rid of! They are back to waterfall because at the end of the day they have real problems and all solutions end up pushing them to do a lot of pre-work planning to have a chance. Not that waterfall is good - it isn't - but everything else is worse as painful experience keeps showing.

Note that while we call what they are doing waterfall, in fact it isn't. All (nearly all?) projects are doing releases. They do go back and change things made in the past, just that the timeline is very long. They do discover things are not working and stop - sometimes they don't realize this in time to stop early, but they do stop.

What the world needs is a process for large numbers of people to develop software without stepping on each other. I do not have an answer to this problem - I'm not even sure if it exists.

jjmarr 8 hours ago | parent | prev | next [-]

Nobody can do Agile right because there's no one-size fits-all process. There are Agile approaches you can use and see if they work for your team.

The motto is "individuals and interactions over processes and tools" because if a process or tool isn't working for you, you're not supposed to use it.

It's like communism in the sense that it's defined with all the good quantities you'd want in a society or workforce and has several conflicting methods to get there. It's a set of principles that invites people to argue about how their approaches fit into them. Maybe that's the point.

alganet 8 hours ago | parent [-]

Sounds like you expected it to be a silver bullet. Is there something in the agile manifesto that implies that?

reverendsteveii 8 hours ago | parent | prev | next [-]

My team spends half an hour per week on standups and about 2 hours every 3 weeks pointing stories. Any interaction beyond that is on an as-needed basis and mostly I'm just trusted to figure out what needs doing and do it. Agile is like communism - problematic, but mostly maligned by people who don't understand it using examples that are either made up whole-cloth or cherry-picked and then badly distorted in the retelling.

computerdork 8 hours ago | parent | prev | next [-]

Yeah, kind of disagree with this. Compared to waterfall, agile is definitely an improvement.

And most teams get the core ideas right in my opinion: small, tight knit teams working closely together, with a "reduced amount" of process (yeah, think the number of meetings in agile is bad, in waterfall, meetings seem like crush you like a tsunami).

skeeter2020 8 hours ago | parent | prev | next [-]

it's a lot less like communism and much more like a co-op or member-owned/lead organization - which can and totally do work. Think a bunch of farmers banding together to start a credit union vs. a big centrally planned org.

cholantesh 7 hours ago | parent [-]

Co-operatives and worker self-management can and have existed under communism.

psunavy03 8 hours ago | parent | prev | next [-]

Bullshit. That's like claiming no one can play good football because the Cleveland Browns suck.

SomeCallMeTim 8 hours ago | parent | next [-]

No, and Jeffries' analogy suffers the same strawman fallacy.

The proper analogy would be if no one knew the rules of football/baseball and everyone ended up playing Calvinball instead, then you could say that football/baseball was broken. If following the rules of football produced a product of its own if the rules were followed, it shouldn't matter that other people can follow those rules better.

Or you can point at Monopoly and the fact that so many people destroy the game by playing the "Free Parking gets the kitty" rule and use that as an excuse that Monopoly is a terrible game. Well, Monopoly is a terrible game, even as designed, so that one works.

It's not about how well people follow the "rules" of agile. It's that most everyone who tries doesn't understand the intent of agile.

I would argue that most of the attempts at codifying agile, from Extreme Programming through whatever the latest fad is, are all also wrong. That if you codify agile at all, you're missing the point.

In my experience, the OP article is correct: You need good developers on the team. That's it. That's the secret to success. The methodology you use is nearly irrelevant, though some methodologies do more harm than good.

The fact that XP's flagship project (C3) was an abject failure should have been a clue that maybe it wasn't as good as people want to believe it is. Maybe Kent Beck wasn't "doing agile right" either?

tomxor 8 hours ago | parent | prev [-]

You are likening American football to communism? So which regime is Cleveland Browns, and which are the functional ones?

alganet 8 hours ago | parent | prev [-]

Agile is like communism. Lots of people like to hang external ideas to it. Some valid, some not.

Points, t-shirt sizes, figmas, etc... these are _tools_ and _processes_. Why the hell are you complaining about it when it says very clearly that you should focus on people and interactions?

bluGill 7 hours ago | parent | next [-]

Because I have real problems. People and interactions as a focus shows me where those problems are, and now I need solutions to solve them. Those tools and processes that agile often uses are the type of things I need to make my people and interactions work. (or at least that is their promise) I should not be developing my own tools when someone else already has some that works.

ryandvm 8 hours ago | parent | prev [-]

Oh, well if Agile is just a vibe then count me in.

skeeter2020 8 hours ago | parent [-]

it's more than a vibe, the challenge is it's "Here's a bunch of things that can help; pick and use what works but don't be dogmatic about it". This is impossible to scale, as by definition it's anti-scale, which is why companies run into massive problems and pervert agile into whatever they have now.

alganet 8 hours ago | parent [-]

If that's the problem, then it's easy.

Do not think about the tools. Think about small improvements that can move the team in a more productive and sustainable (agile) way.

Simple things. Like putting a timer on long meetings until people get used to not extending it. Or putting a limit on the work pipeline between the developer and the tester to avoid overwhelming testing sessions.

In my opinion, you are not supposed to start from scratch. The chaos often comes from this "let's blank slate everything and adopt all agile things we can find". Once again, the same mistake of focusing on tools instead of interactions between people.

C'mon, it's not that hard. Doesn't need to have strict rules.

bluGill 7 hours ago | parent [-]

> Think about small improvements that can move the team

Which team? My team of 5 people or the entire project of several hundred? Focusing on the small teams finds a lot of local maximums that are very bad for the entire project. Many of the small changes small teams want to make are not possible because they would impact some of those several hundred other developers. Often small pain for us is much better than the pain our change would force on those others.

alganet 7 hours ago | parent [-]

By team I mean "the people you interact with [the most]". Those who impact your routine and are impacted by you most directly.

As I mentioned before, there is no one size fits all recipe. And there are no multiple recipes of different sizes.

There are infinite variables a group of people can express. There is no point in making recipes, agile is about ideals.