hackernewds 13 hours ago


alchemist1e9 13 hours ago | parent | next [-]

What do you refer to? I send all my kids to private schools are there anti-private mandates in some places?

spankalee 13 hours ago | parent | next [-]

They're probably referring to the very reasonable idea that funds for public schools shouldn't be diverted to private and religious schools under the "school choice" banner because it intentionally defunds public schools for private schools that have very little oversight and standards, and acts as an unneeded subsidy for wealthier families.

vundercind 13 hours ago | parent | prev | next [-]

Some folks regard the stance that public school taxes are supposed to pay for having a public school system, not for redistribution to parents to spend on any schools they want, as being tyrannical.

rectang 13 hours ago | parent | prev [-]

It's whether or not the government subsidizes your private school via vouchers. The consequence is that public school budgets are further diminished, reducing and eventually eliminating the project to educate the whole citizenry, further stratifying society.

walrus01 12 hours ago | parent | prev [-]

In this case I think "private choice" is a dog whistle for "I want to take funds away from the local public school system by having voucher money from it, for my kids, to give to some ideologically oriented private school".

When you start complaining that everything you don't like is fascism/socialism, you're just cosplaying as being oppressed.

bdowling 11 hours ago | parent [-]

It's a shame, because school choice could be a rallying cry for "Tax the rich to pay for private schools for all kids."