donatj 3 months ago

> BeOS would show CDs as a directory of numbered AIFF or WAV files

MacOS modern and classic both do this as well

ddingus 3 months ago | parent | next [-]

Now I should have known that. Fact is amazingly, I have never played an audio CD on a Mac. Ever.

So, that leaves Windows basically as the odd one out.

Love this place for threads line this.

Nice catch to you as well, and I am going to go play a CD on My M1 via USB optical drive next week.

sillywalk 3 months ago | parent [-]

> I have never played an audio CD on a Mac. Ever.

I'm not 100% certain I never played an audio CD on a Mac.

The only Mac I've owned with an optical drive at all was a PowerBook G4. It's been 20 years, but I assume any audio CDs that went into it were to be meant to be ripped into iTunes and not played as audio CDs.

ddingus 3 months ago | parent | prev [-]

I commented a one up above. SGI IRIX computers connected to SGI DAT drives will gladly save audio off those as well.

Lol, just had to. :]