uberman 4 days ago

So dont build a business based in a cloud?

muzani 4 days ago | parent | next [-]

It's about reputation. AWS has a solid rep. Google less so but it's still there. Alicloud even less. And there's still lots of small private clouds, the kind who will random your domain name after it expires.

The top AI companies are all bottom tier in reliability, it's practically the wild west. They'll expire your credits. You can't contact support. Sometimes you'll not get what you paid for and the helpful forum mods will ask if you logged into the wrong account.

uberman 3 days ago | parent [-]

I have to disagree. It is not about reputation. No service company has a reputation any more. I can't think of a single company that after a dispute about closing an account promptly said "Oh ya a real person looked at this immediately and it is clear that we made a mistake. We are so sorry and I'll put a flag on your account preventing this from ever happening again".

The best we have is counter social spaces where people in the know can post to a place like this and hope either that they reach an insider at the company or that a media firestorm erupts and the company is shamed into doing the right thing.

This is the current example that infuriates me:

Would you agree that Chase has a rather good reputation for a brick and mortar bank?

[10-Year-Old Makes More Than $2K Selling Chickens, but the Bank Keeps Her Money for Over a Year](

Chase closed her account and stole her money just because they could and no amount of customer service could fix it. No amount of evidence. Then only way it was resolved is from news shaming Chase.

That is where we are today.

mouse_ 4 days ago | parent | prev [-]

Don't build a business in -someone else's- cloud. That's unfortunately how the logic follows, yes.

Of course there are variables. For example, AWS has a lot to lose if they start pulling things like this. Independence requires acting independently.