▲ | Animats a day ago | ||||||||||||||||
"Pick up anything: Figure robots equipped with Helix can now pick up virtually any small household object, including thousands of items they have never encountered before, simply by following natural language prompts." If they can do that, why aren't they selling picking systems to Amazon by the tens of thousands? | |||||||||||||||||
▲ | moshun a day ago | parent | next [-] | ||||||||||||||||
Most AI startups, like most startups in general, are in the business of selling futures. Much easier to get new seed $$$ once there’s a real hype around your demo. Not saying they aren’t being honest, just pointing out the logic of starting here and working your way up to a huge valuation. | |||||||||||||||||
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▲ | Frankion a day ago | parent | prev [-] | ||||||||||||||||
Perhaps they are in the process of doing so? Perhaps it's possible to grip them but not to pack them? |