▲ | hn_throwaway_99 a day ago | |
Right now you're getting downvoted, but I don't disagree with you. It's not hard for me to see how lots of people like how AI helps them code (again, I find it helpful in tons of areas), so I think it's more of a personal preference kind of thing. It's also probably that I'm older (nearing 50), and I think there is a lot of good research that a fundamental shift happens in most people's brains in their 40s that makes it more difficult to make major shifts to new ways of doing things (and I've found that in myself). I think the only thing that perhaps I don't totally agree with is the idea that AI just lets you focus on a higher level of thinking while it "takes care of the details". AI is still the leakiest of abstractions, and while coding LLMs have gotten much better over the past 2 years I can't just trust it, so I still have to review every line that goes to prod. I just find that task much less enjoyable ("editing") than being the author of code. And heck, I'm someone that really enjoys doing code reviews. I think with code reviews my mind is in a state that I'm helping to mentor another human, and I love that aspect of it. I'm not so energetic about helping to train our robot overlords. |