amrrs a day ago

It's funny they don't have Hugging Face as their Partner. Literally, the biggest face of Open LLMs sitting right in Europe, but somehow it's not a partner.

Fnoord a day ago | parent | next [-]

Hugging Face is an American start-up, by French people. It resides in Brooklyn, New York. Saying they sit right in Europe is dishonest.

Although, as a Dutch person, I'd like to point out Brooklyn technically is Dutch. ;)

cess11 a day ago | parent | prev | next [-]

What would you expect HF to provide? Are they in possession of larger supercomputers than the research institutions involved?

DocTomoe a day ago | parent | prev [-]

When you are the front runner, you don't associate with the also-ran and the wannabes. They will drag you down, and drown you in their endless discussion and alignment meetings.