jokoon 2 days ago

* There is no scientific good definition of what intelligence really is, which could allow us to maybe understand what is going on.

* Trained neural networks are black boxes that cannot be summarized or analyzed

* I don't see transcendant research being done between cognition, neuroscience and AI

* The only interesting work I have heard about is a neural mapping of a fly's brain, or an attempt to simulate the brain of a worm or an ant. Nothing beyond that.

* AI is not intelligent, contemporary AI is just "very advanced statistics"

* Language is a door toward human intelligence, but it cannot really explain intelligence as a whole.

* evolution probably plays a big role on what cerebral intelligence is, and humans probably have a very "antropo-centered" view of what intelligence is, which might explain why we disregard how evolution is already intelligence in itself. I just tend to believe that humans are just physically weak primate with an abnormal level of anxiety and depression (which both might be evolution mechanisms).