beezlebroxxxxxx 2 days ago

Definitely over-engineering. But I also think the industry is just extremely bad at hiring anything above junior or entry-level. Job postings are so generic and interchangeable between companies that they don't actually tell you what the role is or what the company is looking for. Everyone wants to cast the widest possible net so that they catch some wunderkind genius out of thousands. Then, they wonder why they can't find the exact person they're looking for to solve the problem they're filling the role for.

In reality, job postings should be incredibly specific, with specificity rising as the role requires more experience and problem solving. You'll get less applicants (or will be able to clearly screen out the people who don't meet the specific requirements) but you'll get ones that actually match what you are looking for and can actually solve the problem your company is trying to solve with filling the role. Then the conversation/interview is much more important and both sides feel like they have some "stakes in the game".