bogwog 2 days ago

Is that really so hard? I cancelled my Prime subscription years ago and haven't missed it. Walmart, Target, Costco, BestBuy, HomeDepot, etc haven't gone anywhere. Smaller specialty retailers usually sell on their own website with shipping too. Plus, one genuine advantage the other retailers have over Amazon is that you can (usually) trust you're getting something of reasonable quality, whereas Amazon feels like an AI generated flea market filled with garbage quality Aliexpress drop shipping schemes.

I thought losing two day shipping would suck, but it really hasn't. Most of the big retailers (in my area anyways) end up delivering online orders in two days or less anyways, and the delivery fee is free if your order is over a certain size (usually around $35)

De-googling or De-appleing is hard, but De-amazoning (at least for me) was trivial and anticlimactic.

Larrikin a day ago | parent | next [-]

I cancelled my subscription and found I didn't really miss it that much, but could not find a good replacement for semi bulk or bulk purchases. Usually one to one items are priced the same elsewhere. But if I want to buy in bulk I have to go to Costco, but they are only good if I'm fine with anything, but out of luck for specific brands or any item they deem seasonal. They stopped carrying the only lotion I like replacing it with a different brand, the lens cleaners are now terrible, and they haven't had grape seed oil for months.

There used to be a bulk site I was on before COVID, but they were bought and shut down.

develoopest 2 days ago | parent | prev [-]

> any service that pays Amazon

If we go literal with this, it gets far more complicated counting Amazon web services

dowager_dan99 2 days ago | parent [-]

It's not reasonable or effective to delve into the private supply chain, IMO. Don't let perfect be the enemy of better.

makeitdouble a day ago | parent [-]

You're choosing to avoid Amazon on moral principles.

It's kinda relevant that these principles only apply to services that have the Amazon logo, and not where more than half of Amazon's profit is coming from.

Hypothetically you might be bringing more business to Amazon through any of their AWS customers than by buying your USB cables on the storefront.

PS: I don't have a good answer to this, but boycott and "vote with your wallet" kind of actions have became a very complex thing IMHO.