▲ | technothrasher 2 days ago | |
> At least owls have the courtesy to cough up pellets containing the little bones of their prey As soon as somebody showed me this as a kid, I would constantly be looking in pine groves for pellets. There was something fascinating about pulling them apart and finding the little mouse bones. Whenever I have a chance now, I point it out to kids. Some of them are fascinated like I was, some of them can't understand why I showed them something dirty and boring <shrug>. | ||
▲ | KineticLensman 2 days ago | parent [-] | |
> Some of them are fascinated like I was At the Raptor place, we used owl pellets as part of kid-focussed activities. We'd give them a couple of pellets, a pair of tweezers and a chart of bone outlines, and say "see what animals you can identify". Tiny little jawbones were always popular. |