lacy_tinpot 2 days ago

I can't tell if you're being ironic or not, because those examples are basically definitionally Orwellian.

Also how about never descending into dictatorships and authoritarian regimes?

throwawayqqq11 2 days ago | parent | next [-]

Not descending into a dictatorship requires democratic participation, a pluralistic mindset and a zeitgeist to uphold it. In a pivotal moment, just a single judge collapsed and enabled hitlers takeover.

The erosion of trust in institutions and elections, up to insurrections are way out of that picture. Infront of that background, boasting about a strong executive branch, being cleansed not by merit (opposed to trumps own standard) sounds so absurd to me as a german.

Your orwellian interpretation about limited free speech is rooted in your free speech absolutism. We distinguish between limited freedom speech and unlimited freedom of oppinion. We also have processes involving courts to ban new, factually incorrect statements, aka. non-oppinions, to make it illegal bullshit.

card_zero 2 days ago | parent [-]


buttercraft a day ago | parent [-]

That's pretty much the opposite of what they said

lupusreal 2 days ago | parent | prev [-]

Insulting politicians isn't free speech and America is going to descend into fascism because they allow people to get away with shit like that. Germany is leading the way, showing the rest of the world how democracy is done.