screye 4 days ago

Spyder is the reason I could become Computer Scientist.

When transitioning from MechE -> CS, every programming interface felt unintuitive and daunting to set up. Spyder made it so simple to get started. It turned python into a Matlab-esque numeric computing interface, got out of your way and let you built whatever you wanted. It reduced the 'time to magic' like no other tool I'd tried. (Can I coin the term : 'time to magic'?)

If I had to setup PyCharm on day 1, I'd never have gone past the my first barrier. Before jupyter & colab, there was Spyder. It remained my trusty IDE for a full year until Jupyter notebooks & VsCode came around.

nine_k 4 days ago | parent | next [-]

Even though the term "time to magic" has already been coined, it think it's the key, pivotal, lynchpin thing. Making the time to magic short is what makes or breaks a product's adoption. Products with a very short time to magic win, despite whatever other technical flaws they may have: PHP, Twitter, and Docker are all great examples.

dartharva 4 days ago | parent | prev [-]

What made you shift away from Spyder to Jupyter notebooks and VSCode?

screye 4 days ago | parent [-]

Coding became my fulltime job and I organically moved to mature tools.