mrighele 2 months ago

> You see, that's what I aim to express, but you can not understand

> You can only understand such thing with certain history context/knowledge, without it, it's very likely you can not understand what I'm talking about, vice versa, so do I

Yes I fear so, because know I am even less sure to have understood what you meant; I think we are talking about different things.

>> Everybody already moved to red book and are starting to recognize that the US is just an aging colonialist with nothing to offer the future

> it's not true, most Chinese in Xiaohongshu are not recognize the US as 'colonialist', like I said, many of us don't even know what 'colonialist' even mean

I don't think OP is talking about Chinese people in Xhiaohongshu, but at American people that left Tiktok for it, so it is not about if Chinese people know what colonialism is, but if American people know about (their idea of ) Chinese colonialism.

suraci 2 months ago | parent [-]

> I don't think OP is talking about Chinese people in Xhiaohongshu, but at American people that left Tiktok for it

You are right, I was wrong, skimming reading

And this is yet another example to explain how I was haunted by my historical view and you're haunted by yours

Let's say, The first time mordern Chinese people learnt about genecide, is from Gaza, before this, fews knew what's it meaning

> I think we are talking about different things

For example, when American talk about bad of China, it's always about what the US (or 'white') did or experienced, colonization, genocide, force labor, biological weapons, it's in your history

and when Chinese people think about bad of the US, it's mostly about imperialism and drugs, because we suffered these, we can not think of the genocide of Native Americans, because it's not in our history

so called genocide and colonialism in China, only exists in western narrative, the narrative even only works in Western countries for white people, very few of people in EastAsia/MidEast/African/SouthAmerica would buy this

Even in US, some people start to question the narrative after they realize what's the real genocide like in Gaza