diob 2 months ago

As with anywhere, laws are toothless without enforcement.

In some cases, they are enforced ruthlessly on one group of people, and not on others. This is a feature, not a mistake, by the way. Well, a feature for those with power, not normal citizens.

The real question is:

"Does America have justice?"

It's not a recent one either. The issue of select enforcement of our laws has been around as long as I can recall, and before I was born. It's not even unique to the United States.

What I find most upsetting as part of the normal citizenry, is that rather than taking things to court and finding that the laws need changed, they tend to go the route of charges dropped or pardons when the laws affect them.

I would have less of an issue with the rich and powerful folks avoiding prosecution if they at least did it in a precedent setting way for the rest of us.

That's the injustice.

DangitBobby 2 months ago | parent | next [-]

Of recent note in the "no" column for the "does America have justice" question, a convicted felon escapes all consequences because he is president elect.

2 months ago | parent | next [-]
cscurmudgeon 2 months ago | parent | prev | next [-]

What sentence have others with the same conviction faced in the past? Without that comparison, it is not a “no”.

2 months ago | parent | prev [-]
ruilov 2 months ago | parent | prev | next [-]

it may be toothless but will they have an effect?

You're Apple or Google's lawyer - the CEO asks, should I take Tiktok down from the app store. What do you say?

Otoh there's a law and civil penalty. On the other, Trump says he won't enforce. Statute of limitations is 5 years, and the liability will exist whether Trump enforces or not. In 5 years, there will (may?) be a new president. On the other hand, trump saying he's not going to enforce may give us an out if we're ever sued over this (we just did what the Pres told us to do...).

Hard call, I give > 50% that they take it down whatever Trump says.

bnetd 2 months ago | parent | prev [-]


DangitBobby 2 months ago | parent [-]

I agree you shouldn't be allowed to express opinions on law without having passed the bar, and posit you shouldn't be allowed to write on a public forum unless you've got at least a BA in English Composition.

bnetd 2 months ago | parent [-]


DangitBobby 2 months ago | parent [-]

Ok. You've said nothing of substance, really just yelled about how you don't care about the distinction between Law and Justice. If you'd like to say something substantial about why Justice shouldn't be something people are concerned about, or specific issues with the opinion in question, that would be welcome.

bnetd 2 months ago | parent [-]


DangitBobby 2 months ago | parent [-]

Ah, a rage bait account. My bad.