tw18328 2 months ago

Print media is different. It is much more exhausting to read a newspaper because critical thinking circuits are automatically engaged.

You are more removed from the content because everything is in the physical world. And even within a single newspaper there are so many different topics that it is hard to be in a bubble.

The Internet automatically leads to bubble creation, 200 character messages and indoctrination.

It is more like loudspeakers they had in villages during Mao's tenure blaring politically correct messages. Or like the Volksempfänger (radio) during the Nazi era. Interestingly, many of the most destructive revolutions happened after the widespread use of radio.

Of course the Internet isn't nearly as bad, but most people are completely unable to even consider a view outside of their indoctrination bubble.

throwaway199956 2 months ago | parent [-]

As far as first ammendment it does make no difference if it is print or voice or online service.