se4u 2 months ago

I don't know if you are just ignorant about history and unwilling to Google, or if you are making the point that of course British did not force feed opium to the people.

What is very well established is that the british fought a war , literally called the opium war by Western historians themselves with the main objective of keeping their opium distribution into China open after the emperor banned it

Their action was akin to if some majority owner of Purdue pharma invades US and forces US government to "keep the oxy market open" while letting "people make their own decision".

talldatethrow 2 months ago | parent | next [-]

Tbh, what you describe sounds nothing like forcing opium on a people. If mexico invaded and started making meth in the US, or started sending even more meth into the US than they do now by totally taking over the border, I would not begin taking meth.

se4u a month ago | parent | next [-]

The brits were also running the opium shops. So if you think country A selling opiods in country B and then going to war so that country B can not stop the sale of opiods is totally okay, then that is truly very different from my model of good behavior.

herval 2 months ago | parent | prev [-]


2 months ago | parent | prev [-]