scarface_74 2 months ago

What an I missing? You said you were writing “enterprise APIs”.

ecshafer 2 months ago | parent [-]

OP said he "Runs operations for an enterprise API". My guess is that they are running a team that manages an infrastructure platform which developers in their org target. My guess is that this involves a team which manages deployments to multiple clouds / regions / data centers, some load balancing configuration, etc. using some software like Akana or some IBM product.

stonemetal12 2 months ago | parent [-]

He could be clearer about what he does. He did say "Last year a recruiter reached out to me about a work from home job writing enterprise APIs." He doesn't mention going from writing APIs to operations management. Which seems to be where the confusion is coming from.

Though that is my understanding of how you make a big career change. Do your current job in a company that does what you want to do. Then change roles rather than jump to the role you want straight. Kind of beat the chicken and egg problem, of needing experience to get a job and can't get experience without a job. A job that is adjacent to the one you want is "second hand" experience.