scarface_74 21 hours ago

It’s funny, when this article was submitted earlier today…

Someone said that people would start blaming AI.

It’s not AI. There are too many people chasing too few jobs and the BigTech companies aside from Google are focusing on profitable segments.

The IPO market is dead and which caused the entire VC Ponzi scheme to collapse.

As far as upcoming CS graduates? They are screwed. Why would most companies want to hire new grads when there are proven experienced people looking for jobs?

gnz11 16 hours ago | parent [-]

New grads will work for less and less compensation?

scarface_74 16 hours ago | parent [-]

And they are spending months doing negative work. How much use are new grads for the first year? Especially with remote work, you can find plenty of experienced CRUD/enterprise/framework devs willing to work for $125K.