▲ | inferiorhuman 2 months ago | ||||||||||||||||
Your source puts Austria, France, and Germany at the top, or roughly 11–13% of GDP.https://www.bea.gov/news/2023/gross-domestic-product-fourth-... https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/IF/IF10830 The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis puts the 2022 GDP at $25.46 trillion ($25,460 billion). Congress puts 2022 spending on private health insurance at $1,290 billion (5%) and Medicare at $944 billion (3.7% of GDP). | |||||||||||||||||
▲ | mgh95 2 months ago | parent [-] | ||||||||||||||||
Yes, we are tracking to grow to as much as some not all or most. Emphasis on tracking to grow which you should see the source for 2033 forecast. The fact that one program (Medicare) is growing to be as large as the NHE should be cause for pause. | |||||||||||||||||