harvodex 4 days ago

I would think if you aren't trying to develop a brand then you may as well just make the blog private.

I love keeping a blog as my own private journal. I wouldn't want it public though because I can keep it as unstructured/messy as I want with it being private. Mostly a collection or random notes / thoughts / code that I wouldn't want a potential employer to get an impression of me from.

It has huge value to me. The value of reading someone else blog at this point is basically zero to me. Mostly throw away, surface level articles for branding and networking purposes but if that is the dance you are trying to learn then it makes sense.

scarface_74 4 days ago | parent [-]

I don’t have a blog for anything professional. But I do have a blog that is a public personal journal of our frequent travel, including on an off “digital nomadding”.

I don’t have ads, affiliate links nor do I care about traffic or have any analytics. I doubt that it gets any real traffic. By keeping it public, the only benefit I see is that it encourages me to at least care about my writing. It’s just my spot on the internet.