eddieroger 4 days ago

I've maintained a domain and blog for nearly 20 years, but I find myself questioning why I want to write anymore. I don't know the answer, but it's interesting reading through others' perspectives. For me, it used to be because I enjoyed the tinkering aspect of maintaining the site and writing was an avenue towards that. Now, I just wonder who cares about my content, and more worried about writing something that gathers the wrong kind of attention - not because I'm worried about me, but because it's easy to just get internet-mad these days.

I work in tech, and it's probably good to have something out there, but I wouldn't assume it's a detriment not to. If nothing else, when I find some novel answer to a tech problem, maybe it'd be useful to document it for someone else. I don't think I'm doing anything esoteric or unique, but perhaps documenting is unique enough. But I'm not in it to growth hack or gain readers or anything. It'd be for me and anyone who happens to find what I have to say of interest.