dswilkerson 7 days ago

Fasting puts your cells into a "clean out the junk" mode that is quite powerful for deleting stuff, including cancer. That is, rather that being passive, fasting is quite active and uniquely potent. I had a lump in my throat near my vocal chords that I was told was a standard response to acid reflux and was inoperable. It was there for 15 years and hurt whenever I would sing. I did a 20 day fast last summer and just happened to have it examined and photographed before and after. Before the fast it was there and after it was completely gone.

Valter Longo is one of the world's experts on fasting. You might want to read this article of his on fasting and cancer:


Starvation, Stress Resistance, and Cancer Roberta Buono, Valter D. Longo

Dysregulated metabolism is one of the emerging hallmarks of cancer cells. Differential stress resistance (DSR) and differential stress sensitization (DSS) responses are the mechanisms caused by fasting and fasting-mimicking diet (FMDs) to promote protection of normal cells and induce cancer cell death. Fasting-dependent reduction in glucose and IGF-1 mediates part of the DSR and DSS effects. Fasting and FMDs have the potential for applications in both cancer prevention and treatment.


Either Longo or another fasting researcher pointed out that you can make a level of chemotherapy where none of the rats that are not fasting live and where all of the rats that are fasting live. So fasting is a powerful alteration of cells that makes them tolerate chemotherapy much better.

You might want to contact Alan Goldhamer of TrueNorth Health Center. They have almost four decades of experience getting fantastic results by fasting people (about 20K so far), such as curing cancers, Lupus, Diabetes, etc. See or this

The below is from a friend of mine who an M.D. told me has read so much about biomedicine that "it's as if he went to graduate school":


In complete contrast to chemotherapy, fasting helps pain, anxiety and depression -

For general information on fasting, I recommend reading or watching Dr. Jason Fung. He is a nephrologist from Canada. His book The Obesity Code (I have read it) is selling well, but you can get the same information by watching YouTube videos, which I preferred to his book. My favorite were his early lectures that are less flashy “The Aetiology of Obesity Part 1 of 6: A New Hope” However, if a six hour graduate lecture series is more than you want to sign on for, any of the more recent videos at will provide the basics.

In addition to Dr. Fung, a number of doctors are publishing articles and videos about fasting and cancer:

* Dr. Fung quoting Noble winner for autophagy - &

* Dr. Seyfried - - he wrote a book ( that I have not purchased this book, but it is highly regarded and referenced by others.

* Dr. Winters - – This is a discussion of the metabolic approach to cancer

* Dr. Poff - - Keto diet and cancer

Some of this is very biochemistry based and is just tons of detail saying “fasting and/or a ketogenic diet will fight cancer.” Spending the time to understand the biochemistry of the disease and visualizing what you want your body to do will help your body heal. While this sounds very touchy, feely and like voodoo medicine to a traditionally trained biochemist, the research is strong on the ability of the mental imagery to have a therapeutic benefit. (Again, I cite Dr. Rosenthal, neuroscientist, as a higher authority).
