bhpreece 7 days ago

It looks like Cariloop advises people on how to find medical assistance, is that correct? Is there someplace to get more specific information?

hk1337 7 days ago | parent | next [-]

My understanding is that it keeps everyone connected. Like, you as a family member may be a caregiver or you may have a nurse or someone else as a caregiver and it can help keep family, caregiver, the person being cared for all in the know on what is happening.

securingsincity 6 days ago | parent | prev [-]

Very cool to see Cariloop mentioned here in this conversation. I'm the VP of Engineering at Cariloop. We offer Caregiver support and coaching through our coaches who are nurses and social workers. So one thing they can do is find help for services but they can do a lot in navigating a difficult caregiver situation.

Additionally, we do offer medication tracking and other digital caregiving tools. I will also mention like others here, it is important to have things like HIPAA best practices in place for services like this. At Cariloop for example we follow HIPAA best practices, GDPR compliance, and are SOC 2 certified.

bhpreece 5 days ago | parent [-]

Thank you. I appreciate you taking the time to clarify.