hinkley 8 days ago

It could be birthday paradox, but it could potentially be enough to get someone to come check for contaminants.

Looks like benzene, some pesticides, and formaldehyde are the common workplace exposures that can trigger leukemia. But some of those can turn up near housing.

selcuka 8 days ago | parent [-]

> benzene, some pesticides, and formaldehyde are the common workplace exposures that can trigger leukemia.

That rings a bell. I remember that someone mentioned a recent repainting of the building. The incident happened at least a decade ago, so I can't remember all details.

hinkley 8 days ago | parent [-]

I just finished Silent Spring last fall and was shocked to learn they already knew DDT and other pesticides were causing leukemia back in 1960. I guess PR from the chemical companies is working, because I would have guessed 1979-1985.