ChrisMarshallNY 8 days ago

Damn. Sorry to hear that.

I have had two friends get it, and neither made it. Another died of it, but it metastasized from their lung (Yeah, I have known a hell of a lot of people with cancer. Most have survived).

If you have known 4 people with the same cancer, they call that a "cluster," in the vernacular, and it might not be a bad idea to see if you can figure out where it comes from.

Here on Long Island, we have numerous breast cancer clusters. I am pretty cynical that people know the cause, but don't want to deal with it.

I had a serious non-cancerous tumor, back in '96, but managed to learn to walk and chew gum again, after a couple of months.

The key is whether or not it's operable. Mine was, none of my other friends were operable.

rappatic 8 days ago | parent [-]

> I am pretty cynical that people know the cause, but don't want to deal with it.

I looked up "long island breast cancer" and saw a long list of risk factors. Out of curiosity, did you have a specific one in mind?

ChrisMarshallNY 8 days ago | parent | next [-]

Long Island is one of the oldest industrial areas in the nation.

Many those planes and tanks that you saw in the WWII movies were built here.

The companies around here dumped their waste straight into the aquifer. For decades.

Where our drinking water comes from.

But it’s also some of the most valuable real estate in the nation.

droidist2 8 days ago | parent | prev [-]

Long Island is a very dense with overhead power lines, but then again look at Tokyo.