m463 8 days ago

wow, hacker news and all these people just "phoning it in"

We really need more folks to hack on their phones and set/spread a good example.

Otherwise "general computing" will be replaced by landlords.

The concept of a landlord may be traced back to the feudal system of manoralism (seignorialism), where a landed estate is owned by a Lord of the Manor...

deathanatos 8 days ago | parent | next [-]

Perhaps a few more responses now from people who own their data?

There are still a scary few "I use adb" or "I copy the data over MTP"

Sadly, not everything on the phone is visible to those two. IIRC, [MS]MS logs aren't (I might be wrong here though) and if you use Google Authenticator, your OTPs aren't, which I learned the hard, hard way.

I need to root my phone.

thebeardisred 8 days ago | parent [-]

Tragically, as you mention, the security restrictions on most apps at this point block filesystem access via adb.

Wild to learn about the OTPs, I'll need to take a look and (likely) rectify that security hole since I manage my backups myself (at enrollment time the keys go in escrow).

scarface_74 8 days ago | parent | prev | next [-]

My phone is an appliance. I have no more desire to manage my phone than I do my dishwasher.

I sign into my Apple account, pay Apple for more storage and everything gets backed up that’s on my iPhone and iPad.

When I get a new phone, I log in while I’m at the Apple Store, wait for everything to be restored, wipe my old phone and give it back to Apple for a carrier discount or a discount from Apple.

Life is too short to do otherwise. I work with computers 40 hours a week in exchange for money that I then exchange for goods and services.

cf100clunk 8 days ago | parent | prev | next [-]

xdaforums abides! Be of good cheer.

8 days ago | parent | prev [-]