DataDaoDe 12 hours ago

Here's a thought: as long as some countries somewhere have enough freedom to innovate, and entrepreneurs can leave their countries and get to the freer ones, countries like Norway can piggyback off all the innovation from others (or outsource it). I think it would only be a problem if for some reason there was technology that couldn't be copied.

freefaler 12 hours ago | parent [-]

How will they pay for that technology they need to import when the oil ends? They'd need to barter something for something else.

asadotzler 11 hours ago | parent [-]

How will any oil-dependent finances deal with the end of oil? By saving and diversifying. Norway's got the savings down good, and in a few decades they should start thinking about diversifying. Until then, they're in a great position because they didn't spend all their oil money on weapons and instead put it into savings for their people.