probably_wrong a day ago

I would argue that "social media" requires the social aspect, namely, contacts and direct messaging.

TomK32 19 hours ago | parent | next [-]

We socialize here, just last month I read someone's comment about life in the Canadian country-side and realized he's the brother of a Youtuber I'm watching for years. The same happens on any other social platform be it in the internet or real life.

lukan 18 hours ago | parent [-]

Yes and I would not demonize it.

The problem I see, are networks that are financed mainly by ads - so they have the incentive to keep engagement artifically high and spy as much as possible.

But "banning social media" does not ask that question.

lukan 19 hours ago | parent | prev [-]

Everyone has a profil and everyone who wants to, leaves contact inside the profil.