pfdietz 3 hours ago

A utility-maximizing drug discovery system would, I think, devote some effort to biological experimentation on healthy humans, giving them chemical probes to see how that affected their biology. As is, ethics requires we get this information accidentally, for example from that famous recreational drug chemist who gave himself Parkinson's Disease with a botched synthesis that made a highly neurotoxic chemical. And some of the information comes from drug trials. A useful drug is not the only value obtained from a drug trial -- each trial is also a test of a hypothesis about the mechanisms of a disease.

One of the books of the "Colossus" trilogy (about a computer that takes over the world) had the computer doing this sort of medical experimentation on randomly selected drafted subjects, with the idea of maximizing overall utility. It shows the problem with utility maximization as a goal, similar to the requirement that people give up a healthy kidney if someone else needs a transplant.