▲ | JPLeRouzic 7 hours ago | |
> In this case the vaccine causes anti-EGFR antibody production English is not my native tongue so I have some problem to parse your sentence. I prefer the writing in the publication cited above [0] even if it's probably the same meaning: "CIMAvax-EGF is a therapeutic cancer vaccine composed of human recombinant EGF" [0] https://aacrjournals.org/clincancerres/article/22/15/3782/79... | ||
▲ | quietbritishjim 4 hours ago | parent [-] | |
It parses fine to me, but then I'm a native English speaker (and I don't claim to know whether its content is actually true). Strictly speaking, there should be a comma after "case", which may have helped you but is unusual unless you're writing something really formal. Here's the sentence restructured: ... vaccine refers to anything that induces an immune response against a pathogen or disease. Here is how that definition applies in this case: the vaccine causes the immune system to produce anti-EGFR antibodies. |