bayindirh 9 hours ago

My OrangePi 5B runs circles around an Raspberry Pi 5 (cooler, 2x cores, 2x RAM f you want, a decent eMMC, AI acceleration plus better hardware video encoders, etc.).

However, the support is "barely there". It's running standard Debian stable with a pinned Kernel from OrangePi guys, and the Kernel tree is open, but I don't know whether I'll be able to compile a 6.x kernel by lifting their patches and correctly applying them to a mainline kernel.

Then I don't know which drivers are closed source and how they'll play with each other.

On the other hand, Raspian works really well. Plus with a good A2 card, you really don't feel any latency in day to day use of the system anymore.

P.S.: I run both of them as home servers at different locations, so I can "continuously review" them day to day.