abetusk a day ago

I certainly am no expert but Dr. Sarah Taber talks about how many farms, especially small to mid sized, are effectively tax write offs and that the "put upon" farmer is a myth [0] [1].



forgetfreeman a day ago | parent [-]

Not a myth, but likely already forced out of the industry or dead by their own hand.'_suicides_in_the_Uni...

abetusk a day ago | parent [-]

Again, not an expert but Dr. Sarah Taber claims that number is inflated by considering farm employees, not farm owners [0]. The claim is that farm owners are no worse than the baseline but that farm employees, often times low wage, migrant or undocumented workers, are the ones that suffer from a high suicide rate.

From the archived Twitter link:

""" In other words, the farm lobby has stolen farmworkers' deaths as their own. """


forgetfreeman 12 hours ago | parent [-]

I can speak to personally witnessing most of the ag families I've known in the last 50 years selling out to large ag conglomerates because the family ran out of generations willing to spend their entire life skirting bankruptcy. If the claim that this is predominantly ag workers and not owners outright committing suicide is accurate I'd probably counter something along the lines of in generations past before big ag strangled the life out of smallholding farmers most of those workers would very likely have been farm owners.