talldayo 15 hours ago

> He is 100% part of the old Microsoft guard.

I don't think people really fear the Microsoft old guard anymore. HN loves to wave around the Halloween documents as evidence of Microsoft's persisting evil, but the remaining Windows users can't be made to care. If anything, most of the Windows/Microsoft product users I speak with want the old user philosophy to return.

Ironically, the advertising, data collection and service revenue abuse of Windows doesn't appear to even be a serious concern from the looks of the report. They're more interested in Microsoft's abusive B2B contracts, which have been reputably sketchy for years now. Burning down your operating system for the sake of service revenue isn't illegal - if it was, Tim Cook would have been put behind bars a decade ago.

This is what consumer protection looks like; for modern Americans. Don't forget that, the US government does not give even the faintest shit about your awful user experience if the OEM plays fair ball. Feeling free yet?