krapp 14 hours ago

>Every time I've opened the bluesky homepage it's been highly political. Not even in the sense of "here's a topic I feel strongly about". It's just "fuck conservatives" over and over.

Odd. My homepage looks nothing like that. I wonder what I'm doing wrong?

GloomyBoots 14 hours ago | parent [-]

I'm not signed in. Maybe that's why.

Right now I opened the home page, paged down through the top 20 or so bloots or whatever they're called, and got:

- An MSNBC video about fighting back against conservatives

- A post celebrating that a "right-wing lawsuit" to review voter rolls failed

- That BrooklynDad dude complaining about Trump supporters

- A post comparing conservatives to the Empire from Star Wars

- A post chastising White people for having opinions on some controversy involving Black celebrities

A lot of whiny us-against-them rhetoric, but it's not toxic because they are conservatives. In between those, there are cat pictures, some shower thoughts type posts, landscape photos, and comics. This was a marked improvement over the page when I opened it yesterday.