jmward01 a day ago

Patent, trademark, copyright, etc are all supposed to benefit society as a whole. The point isn't that corporations get to lock things away forever. The goal is to incentivize innovation, both technological and cultural. The more companies make the argument that 'thing x from a long time ago is crucial to us now' the more I think that our current IP laws are actually slowing down innovation instead of incentivizing it. Maybe we need a new system that starts costing money after a point to maintain IP rights. That system would recognize the value taken by private companies holding on to old IP to the detriment of society and force them to come up with new things to justify their existence instead of living off of that one thing they did right 100 years ago.

nine_k a day ago | parent | next [-]

(Repeating for n-th time:) I like the idea of exponential cost of IP protection.

First 10 or so years the protection is free. Then, on the first year of paid protection, you pay $10. On the second, $20. On the tenth, $10,240. On the sixteenth, $655,360. The year you miss a payment the protection ceases.

If your IP is immensely valuable and is bringing you gobs of money, you can continue paying and keep your monopoly. But the case of keeping reams of stuff under the lock "just in case" would be largely eliminated. Anything that's not a cash cow currently being milked and paid for would get released to the public domain.

On top of that, the federal budget would receive some extra money, but only from those who is making money, and not the small guy who just has published an indie game on Steam.

pixelpoet a day ago | parent | next [-]

That sounds like a really good idea, one problem though: this doesn't benefit the lawmaking and law-exploiting classes, so why would it happen?

It's pretty clear that the legal system mostly exists to preserve big financial interests. I spent much of my adult life watching SCO play the system...

bluGill a day ago | parent [-]

Voters need to make it clear that it does benefit the lawmaking class. Votes are more powerful than money in politics - but only if you use them. If you fall for one party is all good you have lost power.

The hard part is getting enough other voters to care. If it is just you money is more important. If it is you and many others though you beat money.

nwiswell a day ago | parent | prev | next [-]

This clearly benefits wealthy owners of IP (disney, movie studios, game publishers, etc) over small-time artists (self-published authors, small bands, etc) since the period of time that IP protection remains an economic choice is strongly tied to the value of the IP.

E.g., if you write a book and realize $5,000 in sales per year, then 10 * 2^x=5000 where x is 8.97, so you only enjoy 8 years of revenues ($40,000) and you've paid Σ(1->8) 10 * 2^x = $5,100 for the privilege, for a net $34,900 or 6.98x the yearly royalty value.

If Dreamworks sees $500M a year in Minions merchandising, then 10 * 2^x=500,000,000 where x = 25.56 and so Dreamworks realizes 25 years of revenues ($12,500,000,000) and pays Σ(1->25) 10 * 2^x = $671,088,620 for the privilege, for a net $11,828,911,380 or 23.66x the yearly royalty value.

This is backward, in my opinion.

nine_k a day ago | parent | next [-]

Big acts grossing colossal figures can continue that for a longer time. But the growth of the fee is exponential, while sales never grow exponentially for indefinite time. I can agree that the base of 2 may be too low; let's take 4 instead.

Let's assume that Dreamworks are so good that they get $500M a year for a particular IP. For 10 years they enjoy free coverage.

But even if on year 25 of coverage they would still have been making some money on the franchise, next year they go badly into the red.

The code:

  def fee(y): 
    return 0 if y <= 10 else 10 * 4 ** (y - 11)

  def total_fee(y): 
    return sum(fee(yy) for yy in range(1, y + 1))

  def total_revenue(years, yearly_revenue=500_000_000): 
    return yearly_revenue * years

  def balance(y):
    f = total_fee(y) / 1_000_000
    r = total_revenue(y) / 1_000_000
    return "%2d %8.1fM %8.1fM %6.1fM" % (y, f, r, r - f)

  for y in range(21, 27):

  21     14.0M  10500.0M 10486.0M
  22     55.9M  11000.0M 10944.1M
  23    223.7M  11500.0M 11276.3M
  24    894.8M  12000.0M 11105.2M
  25   3579.1M  12500.0M 8920.9M
  26  14316.6M  13000.0M -1316.6M
As we see, the optimum total revenue is achieved after 23 years of protection, and then it goes down fast, turning negative on year 26.

And this is for a mega-popular franchise, that makes half a billion every year in a row for more than two decades. It's a very rare hit, comparable to Star Wars maybe, or the Mickey Mouse. Most IPs don't stay so staunchly popular for this long.

You can try playing with the parameters and check outcomes for different revenue shapes and fee bases.

nayuki a day ago | parent | prev [-]

It's not backward. It means that wealthy IP owners pay more tax to society for the privilege of earning more!

nwiswell a day ago | parent | next [-]

Small owners of IP get to enjoy less value from their creations due to weaker IP protections. That's backward.

Moreover the amount of tax paid as a fraction of total value realized is actually lower for the large owner of IP because the total tax payment is dominated by the final years, but the total revenue is determined by the number of years. In the example above, we had:

$5,100 / $40,000 = 12.75% tax for the small author, and

$671,088,620 / $12,500,000,000 = 5.37% tax for Dreamworks.

The ratios would be even worse if the small author could've just barely justified the 9th year. Pretty much unconscionable.

The fact that we're collecting tax from IP is not interesting. We have progressive income tax for this purpose.

jmward01 a day ago | parent | next [-]

So your argument is that something that takes in 500m in its useful lifetime shouldn't net the creator more than something that takes in only 100k in its useful lifetime? Yes, big content X that churns out mega movies that have more staying power than indy film y would make more money, but now instead of that mega company X holding onto everything for 10 lifetimes they are forced to releases it. If this is structured to kick in with normal lifespans accounted for then it shouldn't really hurt the indy side of things.

nwiswell a day ago | parent [-]

My argument is

1) that something that takes in 500m in its useful lifetime should not be subject to a lower tax rate than something that takes in only 100k in its useful lifetime (in fact it should be subject to a higher tax rate, in line with income tax policy);

2) something that takes in 500m should not automatically be entitled to a longer useful lifetime than something that takes in 100k.

Unfortunately both things are true for this proposal. #1 can be ameliorated by offering an income tax credit, but #2 is fundamental.

nine_k a day ago | parent [-]

I honestly don't understand why #2 is bad. Can you please explain the logic and values behind your reasoning? No irony here, just a desire to learn.

nwiswell 8 hours ago | parent [-]

Because it drives inequality. We're proposing a policy that explicitly benefits large owners of capital over small ones.

Inequality is a natural outcome of capitalism, and critically it will get worse without limit unless there is significant policy intervention (ref. Capital in the Twenty-First Century). Existing progressive income taxes are not sufficient, even in Europe where they are far more aggressive. So from a policy perspective, this is exactly the opposite of what is desired.

nine_k a day ago | parent | prev [-]

I'd like to remind that IP protection does not solely exist to benefit authors. It exists to benefit the society as a whole. That is, not only the writers and actors, but also the readers and viewers. The original post, if you take a look, is about an obvious disbalance of the benefits the IP holders of old games receive vs the lost benefit of the society from preserving these games. Many games are works of art, on par with books an movies, a part of society's cultural heritage.

Unlike physical property, "intellectual property" requires quotes, and does not enjoy a constitutional protection, all for a good reason.

My proposal has a few benefits that, to my mind, outweigh the shortcomings.

* It is very simple. There's no room for any shenanigans, small print, etc.

* It is very uniform. It applies to every kind of IP (of the same class) equally. Again, no room or need for small print.

* It has a large enough free grace period, longer than the peak periods when most movies make the large box offices, most books have the first 2-3 successful reprints, most games have initial sales + DLC sales, etc. For most folks, nothing changes, because their revenues from a particular IP go to zero or near-zero by the end of the grace period.

* It's guaranteed to terminate the IP protection sooner or later, and most of the time, sooner. No demand curve stays exponential forever; the fee stays exponential as long as it takes.

* It does not depend on any accounting. No box office numbers to smear, no audience sizes to inflate. No matter how much you earn, you can pay for the protection as long as you care to afford it.

* It protects the most valuable / profitable IP preferentially. If something is really really huge, and people keep asking the authors to shut up, take their money, and produce moar, that thing can stay protected for longer. When most people stop caring enough, it becomes pointlessly costly to keep protecting it. This benefits the few that care though, the librarians and archivists of the world, and the new creators who now can build freely on top of the things that went to public domain.

So no, the small author just does not have to pay anything, small authors are just protected for 10 years for free, and may buy half a decade of protection cheaply if they care. But after that, they should admit that this particular cow is not worth milking forever.

tedunangst a day ago | parent | prev [-]

It means big movie studios simply wait for small authors to give up and then release adaptations without royalty payments.

causal a day ago | parent | prev | next [-]

My only issue with this approach is that some people need a lot of time to start monetizing something they invent. Say I write something cool and it takes me 20 years to find someone to buy it. This punishes anyone that can't move quickly.

I like the current model of works becoming public domain after X years, but would prefer we shorten those timelines a bit given the speed of software.

nine_k a day ago | parent [-]

OK, person A invented something, patented it, and sits on it for 20 years, unable to find an useful application.

Person B invents the same thing, and immediately sees a way to make it a big hit, with lots of demand. Should person A be blocking person B for 20 years? Why do you think person A should be entitled to that? What do you think would be more beneficial for the society?

danny_codes a day ago | parent | prev | next [-]

Or just don't have IP at all. It's entirely a waste of resources. What, you won't work on a cure for cancer because you can't rent-seek discovery? No, of course not. The marginal profit is sufficient. The entire system is unnecessary and serves no public utility. It just facilitates a new form of rent on knowledge. It's as bad as the idea of privatizing land rents.

nine_k a day ago | parent [-]

Patents were invented for a good reason. They prevent important inventions from dying as trade secrets, and being lost to the society.

A patent requires a clear explanation of an invention, in exchange for a limited time of monopoly on its use. After that, the invention enters public domain.

Before patents. important inventions would stay tightly guarded secrets, because once the invention leaks, there's no recourse, every competitor can freely use it, and put you out of business. Hence the inventions were lost forever (at best, need to be reinvented from scratch) if the original inventor went out of business somehow without sharing the secret.

Patents are a boon for everyone as long as the detrimental effects from the monopoly don't outweigh the beneficial effects of sharing knowledge and general ease of business operation without thick shrouds of secrecy. That is, as long as the time of protection is set right.

AlienRobot a day ago | parent | prev [-]

Whom would you side with?

People whose livelihoods and retirement depend on their copyright.

Or people who want to play old video-games for free.

appreciatorBus a day ago | parent | next [-]

Being able to play old video games for free is not the point though, it's just a nice side effect of an intellectual property regime with a reasonable duration, say something less than 150 years.

wcarss a day ago | parent | prev | next [-]

the people who want to play old videogames for free

winocm a day ago | parent | next [-]

Reminds me about how many times I've ended up buying the same game I already own, but on another platform because the original is on something I no longer have reasonable access to anymore. (I don't have a television with a RF modulator handy and getting a proper setup working takes more effort than I'm willing to put in at this age.)

rob74 a day ago | parent | prev [-]

Unfortunately, the other people have more lobbying power...

lxgr a day ago | parent | prev | next [-]

With the people that understand that reality isn’t as black and white as you make it out to be and that will hopefully find better compromises going forward.

wizzwizz4 a day ago | parent | prev | next [-]

Show me an actual person whose livelihood or retirement depends on their copyright (and not, say, owning somebody else's copyright). I'm not convinced that the current state of copyright law actually benefits authors and artists.

ianburrell a day ago | parent | next [-]

Nearly all fiction authors own the copyrights to their books. They have an agreement with publisher to publish it and they get the royalties. If that agreement ends, they can find a new publishers. The authors get an advance and if book is popular enough, they get royalties.

fragmede a day ago | parent | prev | next [-]

Any semi-famous author would do, no? Famous authors everyone's heard of are probably rich enough that they have other investments via money they earned from their copyrights, but arguably that's still a living derived from their owning of copyright. So let's start with hearing why, say, Stephen King, Charlie Stross, and J. K. Rowling aren't actual people who's living (sizable as it may be) doesn't depend on their copyright on the books they wrote, before we look for any lesser known authors. Taylor Swift makes a living off her music, which is dependent on copyright. Or have I missed something somewhere?

wizzwizz4 a day ago | parent [-]

Taylor Swift makes a lot of her money from being Taylor Swift (i.e., tours), per

> The 12-time Grammy Award winner made more than $780 million on the U.S. leg of the Eras Tour, according to an estimate by Forbes. The total ticket sales from Swift's 2023 Eras Tour could make her the highest-grossing female touring artist of all time, according to Billboard. The Eras Tour could gross over $1 billion, making concert history as the first billion-dollar tour, according to The Wall Street Journal.

J.K. Rowling doesn't have exclusive rights to her books, past the first couple. Lots of copyright-related suits (most?) are made by Warner Bros. She's fully capable of mobilising her fanbase (or, was, at least, before she went off on the deep end) to prevent or restrict what she considers misuse of the Harry Potter brand. (And, as you say, she doesn't need the money.)

Copyright isn't why Toby Fox need never go hungry. His work is trivial to pirate, he doesn't even bother enforcing copyright on his music; and yet he's probably a millionaire, with more works on the way.

AlienRobot a day ago | parent | prev [-]

Okay so say I write a book. And I go to a publisher and show them the book I wrote.

What is the name of the law that prevents the publisher from kicking me out of the building, printing the book I wrote, and making money off it?

drewbeck a day ago | parent | next [-]

Nobody is suggesting throwing out all copyright protections.

AlienRobot a day ago | parent [-]

But someone IS suggesting that people lose copyright protections over some of their works, and eventually all of them when they don't have 10 thousand dollars to pay to keep their rights per work after just 20 years.

lcnPylGDnU4H9OF a day ago | parent [-]

In your analogy with this context, the publishing company can’t print the book for ten years after being approached by the author.

wizzwizz4 a day ago | parent | prev [-]

That would be copyright law. Is this a deliberate misinterpretation of my request, or do I need to make GP clearer?

AlienRobot a day ago | parent [-]

Your request is that I find you someone who has benefited from a law that makes entire professions viable?

Does this help?

Or do you want a list of movie directors? Perhaps of authors of assets in asset stores for game development? Comic artists?

Do you want a Spotify playlist?

wormius a day ago | parent | prev [-]

There are no residuals for game devs. It's work for hire, so holding on to this idea that they will get paid money for every sale (even after it's no longer sold - but maybe somehow once these assholes "resurrect" a game they never bothered to bring back after 30 years, will somehow benefit the actual people who made it is a joke). This has nothing to do "their livelihood and retirement"It's about protecting corporate profits in the very slim case they may discover that bringing something back (ha sure) will benefit the corporation that OWNS the rights.

IP isn't the same across the board it's not like game devs are singers who have ASCAP/BMI etc protections. Game devs are code jockeys who get shit on by the corporations with NO rights to the actual work THEY produced. Why do you act like this is the same as music with perpetual rights to the actual creators? It rarely if ever is.

You can go ahead and "blame" the workers you claim to support for failing to "put that in their employment contract, it is a "free market" for labor, after all" or you can work on changing the system to at least let the past be free and open and history have a chance of being important or just let it all be locked in a vault, in disuse in the "hope" that maybe someday a corporation will "release" it again as a game. Or you can let people who ARE passionate about it work on it and let the public have the right to it.

As the parent comments point out, the LITERAL REASON OF COPYRIGHT IN THE US CONSTITUTION is to benefit the public. It has nothing to do with giant corps getting rich as fuck off other people's labor. Contract law gets in the way and lets these pricks steal the work and wealth, deny people the rights and only THEY get the benefit, this is the precise opposite of the public benefit intended.

Culture happens on faster and faster cycles than ever before, yet instead of admitting the speed of it, these behemoths who own IP, demand continual extensions (well until the most recent time when Disney finally relented and let Steamboat Willy enter the Public Domain recently).

Instead of promoting "innovation" (as phrased in the US Constitution), it promotes lethargy slouch and continued re-use of the same things. It's the exact opposite of the intent. And no, this bullshit about "livelihoods and retirement" mean jackshit in game dev. You shit your game out, you got paid for that work, and that's it. All the excess profits go to the corp, not the actual devs. IP in this case is not about humans owning/making, and it's corporations through and through, and unless you held onto the same corporation for 40 years, as the creator, it's not going to be you getting the supposed benefit of this.

BriggyDwiggs42 a day ago | parent | prev | next [-]

Ip rights should just end after a relatively quick slice of time. You made your money off it, now it’s time to pass it on to the public. A payment model just ensures the only entities who can hold ip long term are corporations.

jeffreyrogers a day ago | parent | next [-]

That's how it was originally but over time the terms have been extended (largely due to advocacy from organizations that own large catalogs of copyrighted material). It's now tied to the life of the creator rather than the time since creation or publication.

BriggyDwiggs42 a day ago | parent | next [-]

Yep. It needs to be restored or even shortened beyond the original window.

RajT88 a day ago | parent | prev [-]

IIRC, early copyright (say, during Mozart's time) required royalties to only be paid out for the first performance of a work.

And that is why some of these composers were so prolific - to keep up their payday, they had to crank out music instead of collecting on royalties of performances they were directly involved with.

Unthinkable today, really.

theptip a day ago | parent | prev | next [-]

This is the simple solution. 10 years seems fine to me, 20 years at a stretch.

The current regime is a clear case of regulatory capture.

mmcgaha a day ago | parent | prev [-]

So musicians should not be compensated when their old songs play on the radio? You made your money in 1974 now move along while my company exploits your work for free.

BriggyDwiggs42 a day ago | parent [-]

Nope, guess not

pinkmuffinere a day ago | parent | prev | next [-]

I see this sentiment frequently, but I think it is missing some of the crucial details:

- patents last for 20 years in the us

- trademarks do not have value to the rest of the world. Eg, the name “Kleenex” is (was?) a granted trademark, to help customers identify products from that specific company. “Kleenex” has somewhat become generic, but I don’t think this is really better or worse for humanity in general — it just removes some branding strength from Kleenex.

- copyright lasts life of author +70 years. This is problematic imo.

I think the concern about copyright is justified, but I think the others are honestly pretty decent. But of course different people will have different opinions.

paxys a day ago | parent | next [-]

The big problem is that none of these laws have been updated to deal with digital property. We simply get new interpretations based on the whims of random judges who may not even be familiar with how the technology works. Software patents are the perfect example of this. Digital piracy/lending is another. And let's not even get into AI/LLMs.

InsideOutSanta a day ago | parent | prev | next [-]

Patents last too long, given the current speed of technological advancement. 20 years ago, we looked at CRTs, we carried dinky Nokias, and data came on shiny disks. Giving somebody a monopoly on an idea for that amount of time is a huge impediment on the free market.

The other issue with patents is that the whole underlying idea is questionable. You're supposed to give people access to your idea in return for protection. But what is the value of that access? In a lot of areas, the value is zero, since reverse-engineering (or just looking at something) will give you all the information contained in the patent.

I suspect that most patents are giving companies a long-term monopoly on an idea, and providing absolutely no, or close to no value in return.

2OEH8eoCRo0 a day ago | parent [-]

I think it's the other way around. Patents are hard work, often you make a physical product and you get a measly 20 years. Meanwhile, copyrighted material flows out of my ass and gets 70+ years. Ridiculous. Why bother making anything?

adrian_b a day ago | parent [-]

I think that you have not read many patents.

There have been patents that are the result of hard work, but there is a deluge of patents that contain only ideas that are so obvious that nobody was shameless enough to attempt to patent them before.

Moreover the majority of patents contain extraordinarily broad claims, which cover many things that the authors of the patent have never succeeded to make, but they include the claims in the patent with the hope that someone else will find a way to make those things and then they will reveal the patent and blackmail those who have actually made a real device.

In the old times, for a patent to be granted there was a condition to present a working prototype embodying the claims of the patent.

Unfortunately this condition has gone a long time ago, otherwise it would have filtered most ridiculous patent claims.

pinkmuffinere a day ago | parent [-]

These sorts of patents do exist, but they are not made “correctly”. Patents are supposed to contain novel ideas that are not obvious to experienced practitioners in the field. I think I agree with your criticism, except I feel it is a criticism of the execution of the law/system, rather than the law itself.

ndriscoll a day ago | parent [-]

The law itself is broken, at least when combined with trade secret law. When you look at the incentive structure, you see the no one would apply for a patent if they thought it was actually difficult for others to independently figure out or reverse engineer; it's better to simply keep it a secret, and anyone sharing it will be liable for civil action and criminal prosecution. If you believe that others will figure it out on their own anyway, then it makes sense to patent it to deny them the ability to do so. Pretty much the entirety of IP law is a farce.

The whole story about wanting to incentivize companies to share their secrets doesn't even make sense. If we want the body of public knowledge to grow, don't legally protect secrets. Make non-competes illegal and make NDAs have a short maximum time limit, and you won't need to do anything special for knowledge to proliferate. The nerds that actually make things tend to like talking about how it works.

eikenberry a day ago | parent | prev | next [-]

The problem with patents is not the length, it is that they are being applied to a general ideas and not implementations of those ideas. You patent your mouse trap, not all mouse traps.

TaylorAlexander a day ago | parent | prev | next [-]

20 years is an eternity in terms of innovation. This has an extreme effect compared to the natural state (no IP restrictions). I argue that the effects of patents is actually poorly understood, and most arguments for how they work fail to explain how and why open source works, revealing serious flaws in the foundational theories of IP restrictions.

The sole function of a patent is to restrict innovation. That’s the only direct result of patents. All other claims about encouraging innovation rely on beliefs about secondary and tertiary effects which I believe are incomplete, out of date, and often simply incorrect.

Edit: Even the pure capitalists don’t like it:

bobthepanda a day ago | parent | prev | next [-]

trademark is also supposed to protect against misleading copies of reputable goods.

it's hard to say how enforcing against counterfeiting would work without something that looked like trademark law.

michaelt a day ago | parent | prev [-]

> copyright lasts life of author +70 years. This is problematic imo.

Personally, I think copyright isn't so bad simply because of what it covers.

A patent can stop me making stainless steel razor blades. At all.

But copyright? I can write a story about a boy wizard going to wizard school and learning from a man with a long white beard and a robe with huge sleeves. The law just says I can't call him Harry Potter.

pinkmuffinere a day ago | parent [-]

I think this is accidentally a bit misleading. You _could_ write a story similar to Harry Potter without infringing copyright, but it isn’t just the name “harry potter” or some other substring that’s protected. There is a degree of similarity after which you’d be guilty of copyright infringement. I don’t know how that criteria is decided though.

kiba a day ago | parent | prev | next [-]

Assumption 1: Commercialization and incentivization(beyond what is already achievable in our market system) of the production of media goods are a good thing and we would be poorer culturally-wise.

Assumption 2: Without IP laws, people would not produce works(aside from credits and attribution). Engineers will stop engineering. Lawyers will stop writing opinions. Scientists won't write research papers.

Assumption 3: IP laws did work to incentivize production and technological advancement, and they are only or the primary means to do so. We just need to reign in the excess.

Assumption 4: People who created useful works for its own sake are not valuable(open source software/hardware, inventors inventing things and freely publishing information, etc). Patents and copyright laws should favors the people who use copyright and patents over them, and the profit motive should reign supreme.

BriggyDwiggs42 a day ago | parent | next [-]

Is this meant to be a rewording of the parent comment as a critique, or is it meant to be an expression of your views? I’d probably contest assumptions 3 and 4, but I’m not sure if you yourself even support them.

kiba a day ago | parent [-]

How about both? You are welcome to critique my opinion.

As for assumption 3, there's SpaceX. They don't open their design of their rockets to the public where their competitors, such as the Chinese can copy them. Neither the US government nor SpaceX wants that. So there's a large amount of innovations, probably countless designs that went into these rockets. Maybe in a better geopolitical situation, patents would be respected, but why would SpaceX gives everyone the blueprint to catch up? Patents make more sense if designs are easily reverse engineered and you still want a monopoly to make back your investment. That is clearly false as people have made innovation in 3D printing where new designs are standardized for the benefit of the whole market.

Assumption 4 is the defacto state of things even if it were not the intention. People who invent useful things for the sake of useful things are clearly at a disadvantage against corporations or entities who have more money to hire lawyers.

There's already at least one case of a trivial patent for 3D printing stronger layers that expired being repatented again by another company, increasing legal uncertainty from implementing the technique in slicers and other software. Most slicer these days are open source, generally don't make money for its developers(at least not directly), but they do grow the 3D printing market through its active development. The slicers also happen to share code, unsurprising given that they are forks of one another. Clearly, this model is incompatible with the patent system as it stands.

tastyfreeze a day ago | parent [-]

On the SpaceX example, they couldn't release their designs even if they wanted to. ITAR prohibits it.

If they weren't prohibited from sharing rocket technology SpaceX might share. Tesla patents are open. I don't see why Musk wouldn't do the same for SpaceX if the government allowed it.

kiba a day ago | parent [-]

I don't see Musk doing that as he directly stated it himself.

As for Tesla patents, I would speculate that it's more about companies not willing copy Tesla which is why Telsa doesn't really care if they open source the information. Copying isn't always so easy especially if there are structural issues involved. Recall the superchargers that became standard. Other companies were using a different connector, but the supercharger connector was obviously superior and they relented after many years.

Patents are more useful in situation in which your designs are easily reverse engineered and there's little barrier in copying. In any case, there are firms in the automative industry that specialized in doing the teardown of cars and doing cost estimation. Such a firm would tell their competitors how Tesla actually make their cars, so there's not much value in publishing their patents anyway, other than PR stunts.

Patents are not as useful in scenarios in which trade secrets provide a strong and durable barrier to entry. They also require lawsuits to enforce, which is rather costly and imposes cost on our economy, so there's inefficiency to consider as well. Theoretically, a monopoly in this instance would incentivize R&D effort but we know that monopolies has various nasty side effects and not everybody have money to hire lawyers and enforce them.

nox101 a day ago | parent | prev | next [-]

There's lots mixed up with IP laws. Are talking inventions (patents) or works of art (books, movies, music, games)

I certainly know that most games and movies wouldn't exist without a monetary incentive. They take too much work to make. There are exceptions. You can make pong in a few hours and you can shoot a movie of yourself talking. You can also do both as a hobby a few hours a night. But, most movies require sets, costumes, props, and lots of other equipment and labor. Most games also require many person years of work. It's unlikely people would put in that much work if they couldn't make a living from it as it allows them to do it full time so they actually have the time needed.

OTOH, music "can" take a few hours and so could be done more easily as a hobby so while not all forms of music would continue I suspect we'd still get tons of it with without monetary incentives.. Books, it depends on the type of book. People write blogs for free and compile them into a book.

heysammy a day ago | parent | prev | next [-]

How could we have gotten great works like Canterbury Tales or Beowulf without rent-seeking copyright protectionism?

nickff a day ago | parent [-]

I am not a die-hard supporter of IP protection laws, but your examples are classic survivorship bias, as well as falling victim to the broken windows fallacy.

kiba a day ago | parent [-]

It is not a given that we should incentivize the production of cultural good beyond of what is already achievable.

I should note that there is already strong intrinsic motivation to create and there are already too many works to read, watch, or listen, and a lot of slops created clearly to make money.

People are willing to accept deplorable working conditions to pursue their dreams, such as developing video games.

Since I do improv, most of the value I created are on the spot and ephemeral anyway and I basically perform for free anyway. I would stand to gain if people go out to theaters and other avenue as opposed to consuming content on netflix.

jmward01 a day ago | parent | prev [-]

I mostly agree that there are assumptions built into IP law that may not be true. Are there good examples of history where a society that didn't have some similar system out-innovated one that did? Are there good parallels today?

zjuventus14 a day ago | parent [-]

Highly recommend the book “Against Intellectual Monopoly” which argues against IP law with a lot of historical references.

One such example is paint & coloring in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. From the book - “In 1862, British firms controlled about 50 percent of the world market and French firms another 40 percent, with Swiss and German companies as marginal players. By 1873, German companies had 50 percent of the market, while French, Swiss, and British firms controlled between 13 percent and 17 percent each. In 1913, German firms had a market share of more than 80 percent, the Swiss had about 8 percent, and the rest of the world had disappeared.” Switzerland at the time had no patent protection, and Germany allowed processes to be patented in 1877 but not products themselves.

Parallels are harder to find today due to the expansion of IP law as a condition of trade with many developed nations, but the book does have some more recent examples.

gorgoiler a day ago | parent | prev | next [-]

In a free market of ideas, copyright would have perished long ago.

As a teenager of the 90s I have, correctly or incorrectly, been indoctrinated with the notion that RIAA/MPAA have too much clout for their own good. Sweden (Pirate Bay) and New Zealand (Kim.Com) taught us that.

But it’s not just The US — the bulk of my record collection is still digitised as Ogg/Vorbis in protest of Fraunhofer’s hold on MP3 as a non-public format.

Was I brainwashed? Did the kids of yesteryear lose in the long run? Aside from nostalgia, it’s worth remembering the history of this battle to learn for the future.

ghssds a day ago | parent | prev | next [-]

I like that your solution to corporations locking things away forever is a new system that would immediately excludes individual citizens and ties the capability to remove a cultural good from the public to wealth.

The main problems with current copyright laws, I think, is the creators need to sell their right to one of a handful of powerful corporations to make money at all, then those corporations grip on their rights and monopolize it, even if it means something isn't available at all. A better idea would be author's rights that can't be sold, and licensing that can't be denied. That way there still is monetary incentives to create, but cultural goods remain available to the public.

cess11 a day ago | parent | prev | next [-]

Why do you think that? Can you point to some early philosopher of law that made such utilitarian arguments?

jmward01 a day ago | parent | next [-]

The actual text of the US constitution maybe?

Article I Section 8 Enumerated Powers Clause 8 Intellectual Property

        To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;

Seems like the idea is to promote innovation by making sure it is for a limited time only seems pretty ingrained in the idea.
tmtvl a day ago | parent | next [-]

If it says 'for a limited time', then wouldn't tying itmto the lifetime of the author be unconstitutional? Because strictly speaking it's impossible to predict whether an author's life will end.

bitwize a day ago | parent | next [-]

Decided in Eldred v. Ashcroft. As long as Congress stipulates a non-infinite copyright term, it's constitutional. Given that the chance of a human being eventually ceasing to live has been 100% so far, it's legitimate to assume that life + n years is still a finite period of time.

a day ago | parent | prev | next [-]
samatman a day ago | parent | prev [-]

It's in fact trivially easy to predict whether an author's life will end.

Watch: I predict an author's life will end. I give it very high odds indeed.

tastyfreeze a day ago | parent [-]

Corporations can hold copyright and can be undying.

HWR_14 a day ago | parent [-]

If the author is a real person, it's life of the author plus. If it is a corporation it is a fixed amount of time.

cess11 a day ago | parent | prev [-]

"Progress of Science and useful Arts" isn't utilitarian in the sense "benefit society as a whole".

mrighele a day ago | parent | prev | next [-]

For Americans, the utilitarian argument is made in the Constitution:

_"The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises [...] to promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries"_ [1]


cess11 a day ago | parent [-]

Doesn't say anything about "benefit society as a whole".

throwaway48476 a day ago | parent | prev | next [-]

anigbrowl a day ago | parent | prev | next [-]

Because that's the stated purpose of patents in the US constitution.

a day ago | parent | prev [-]
1oooqooq a day ago | parent | prev [-]

half of your sp500-based-retirement is munching off ancient standards patents in media/tech/health. the rest is split between selling you disposable devices and sugar water.

... so in a way it does benefit society. but it's the society that likes to steal from social security and then call it a scam.