throwanem 3 months ago

I'm a lot less worried about this than I am about MELPA packages being targeted. But any other editor that incorporates a package manager exposes the same threat surface, and just about all of them are a lot more popular (thus more worth targeting) than Emacs.

SoftTalker 3 months ago | parent [-]

Yes, it boils down to "be careful with untrusted code" no matter where it comes from. This is certainly not unique to emacs.

EasyMark 3 months ago | parent [-]

I'm starting to get "return to notepad++" vibes from HN today.

SoftTalker 3 months ago | parent [-]

Well I use mostly stock emacs. If that's already owned, then I guess I'm screwed. I'm very selective about adding additional packages or using other "uninspected" elisp code.