sarchertech 3 months ago

>Just as a carpenter doesn't use a hammer to saw, we as a profession should strive to use the right tool for the right job. (Albeit it's less clear than for the carpenter, granted)

The problem is that most devs don’t view themselves as carpenters. They view themselves as hammer capenters or saw carpenters etc…

It’s not entirely their fault, some of the tools are so complex that you really need to devote most of your time to 1 of them.

I realize that this kind of tool specialization is sometimes required, but I that it’s overused by at the very least an order of magnitude.

The vast majority of companies that are running k8s, react, kafka etc… with a team of 40+, would be better off running rails (or similar) on heroku (or similar), or a VPS, or a couple servers in the basement. Most of these companies could easily replace their enormous teams of hammer carpenters and saw carpenters with 3-4 carpenters.

But devs have their own gravity. The more devs you have the faster you draw in new ones, so it’s unclear to me if a setup like the above is sustainable long term outside of very specific circumstances.

But if it were simpler there wouldn’t be nearly many jobs, so I really shouldn’t complain. And it’s not like every other department isn’t also bloated.