jillesvangurp 3 months ago

For most small setups, the cost of running an empty kubernetes cluster (managed) is typically higher than setting up a db, a couple of vms and a loadbalancer, which goes a long way for running a simple service. Add some buckets, a CDN and you are pretty much good to go.

If you need dedicated people just to stay on top of running your services, you have a problem that's costing you hundreds of thousands per year. There's a lot of fun and easy stuff you can do with that kind of money. This is a pattern I see with a lot of teams that get sucked into using Kubernetes, micro services, terraform, etc. Once you need a few people just to stay on top of the complexity that comes from that, you are already spending a lot. I tend to keep things simple on my own projects because any amount of time I spend on that, I'm not spending on more valuable work like adding features, fixing bugs, etc.

Of course it's not black and white and there's always a trade off between over and under engineering. But a lot of teams default to over engineering simply by using Kubernetes from day one. You don't actually need to. There's nothing wrong with a monolith running on two simple vms with a load balancer in front of it. Worked fine twenty years ago and it is still perfectly valid. And it's dead easy to setup and manage in most popular cloud environments. If you use some kind of scaling group, it will scale just fine.

dikei 3 months ago | parent [-]

> For most small setups, the cost of running an empty kubernetes cluster (managed) is typically higher than setting up a db, a couple of vms and a loadbalancer, which goes a long way for running a simple service.

Not really, the cost of an empty EKS cluster is the management fee of $0.1/hour, or roughly the price of a small EC2 instance.

jillesvangurp 3 months ago | parent [-]

0.1 * 24 * 30 = 720$/month

That's about 2x our monthly cloud expenses. That's not a small VM. You can buy a mac mini for that.

dikei 3 months ago | parent [-]


Though if you are only spending $350 monthly on VM, Database and Load Balancer, you can probably count resource instances by hand, and don't need a K8S cluster yet.