| ▲ | radicalbyte 3 months ago |
| The book I read on K8S written by a core maintainer made is very clear. |
| ▲ | c03 3 months ago | parent | next [-] |
| Please don't mention it's name, we don't want anyone else reading it.. |
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| ▲ | radicalbyte 3 months ago | parent [-] | | Kubernetes in Action (I didn't have access to my email or Amazon account let alone my office when I posted so couldn't check the name of the book). |
| ▲ | jpalomaki 3 months ago | parent | prev | next [-] |
| Is it this one, Kubernetes: Up and Running, 3rd Edition by Brendan Burns, Joe Beda, Kelsey Hightower, Lachlan Evenson from 2022?
https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/kubernetes-up-and/97810... (edit: found the 3rd edition) |
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| ▲ | radicalbyte 3 months ago | parent [-] | | No, Kubernetes in Action, but that book was also on my radar (mainly as Kelsey Hightower's name reminds me of the Police Academy films I loved as a kid). |
| ▲ | schnirz 3 months ago | parent | prev [-] |
| Which book would that be, out of interest? |
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| ▲ | radicalbyte 3 months ago | parent [-] | | Kubernetes in Action | | |
| ▲ | xorcist 3 months ago | parent [-] | | A book from 2017? Is that still relevant to understand a modern Kubernetes cluster? The CNCF ecosystem looked a lot different back then. | | |
| ▲ | ofrzeta 3 months ago | parent | next [-] | | The second edition is being worked on for a long time: https://www.manning.com/books/kubernetes-in-action-second-ed... | |
| ▲ | radicalbyte 3 months ago | parent | prev [-] | | Yup it's a great introduction as you can fly through it (3-4 hours to read most of it), at least if you already have a grasp of networking, linux, processes, threads, containers etc. Then you can hit other resources (in my case working with a team who've been using K8S for a few years). If you (or anyone else) has suggestions for something newer and covering more than just the core (like various different components you can use, Helm, Argo, ISTIO etc etc) then I'd appreciate it :-) |